Software >> Development >> Languages >> Perl >> How to use the pattern match operator m//

m/PATTERN/cgimosx /PATTERN/cgimosx Searches a string for a pattern match, and in scalar context returns true (1) or false (''). If no string is specified via the =~ or !~ operator, the $_ string is searched. (The string specified with =~ need not be an lvalue--it may be the result of an expression evaluation, but remember the =~ binds rather tightly.) See also perlre. See perllocale for discussion of additional considerations that apply when use locale is in effect. Options are: c Do not reset search position on a failed match when /g is in effect. g Match globally, i.e., find all occurrences. i Do case-insensitive pattern matching. m Treat string as multiple lines. o Compile pattern only once. s Treat string as single line. x Use extended regular expressions. If string not assigned to $_ then use string =~ /<pattern>/opt For details see man perlop. METADATA ======== Last updated on (yyyy-mm-dd): 2008-01-16 References ========== ActivePerl documentation