001 : fqdn = myfaqbase.com
domain name = myfaqbase.com
OS: Linux
002 : REQUEST parameter list START
parameter: Q = !browsecategory ^Software::Services::RDBMS::
parameter: cp = 2
REQUEST parameter list END
009 : [Mysql:: How to turn off pagination (pager) in mysql or mariadb]:subcat:Mysql
[MySQL:: What are the wildcard characters and escape characters]:subcat:MySQL
[SQL Server::MSDE::2000:: How to install a MSDE and Northwind db for Visual Studio .Net 2003]:subcat:SQL Server
[MySQL:: What are the wildcard and escape characters]:subcat:MySQL
[Oracle::On Solaris:: How to install Oracle 8i on Solaris]:subcat:Oracle
[SQL Server:: How to list tables in a database]:subcat:SQL Server
[SQL Server:: How to connect to a named instance using osql]:subcat:SQL Server
[Oracle:: How to list tables from sqlplus]:subcat:Oracle
[Oracle:: How to view columns in a table from sqlplus]:subcat:Oracle
[MySQL:: What are the connection strings to MySQL for Perl or PHP]:subcat:MySQL
[MySQL:: How to connect to mysql from command line]:subcat:MySQL
[MySQL::Administration:: How to export or dump the entire database to a file]:subcat:MySQL
[MySQL::Administration:: How to set user password]:subcat:MySQL
[MySQL::Administration:: How to delete a user]:subcat:MySQL
[MySQL::Administration:: How to export or extract rows from a table to a file]:subcat:MySQL
[SQL Server::Reporting Services:: How to access the reporting services]:subcat:SQL Server
[SQL Server:: How to list the tables in a database]:subcat:SQL Server
[SQL Server:: How to list columns definition in a table]:subcat:SQL Server
[SQL Server::How to reset autoincrement integer field]:subcat:SQL Server
[SQL Server:: How to determine service pack version]:subcat:SQL Server
[SQL Server:: How to rename an SQL server]:subcat:SQL Server
[SQL Server:: What are the wildcard and escape characters]:subcat:SQL Server
[SQL Server:: How to shrink database transaction log and prevent uncontrolled growth]:subcat:SQL Server
[SQL Server:: How to set up linked server]:subcat:SQL Server
[SQL Server:: How to change the owner of a table]:subcat:SQL Server
[SQL Server:: How to change the SQL Server Agent database connection]:subcat:SQL Server
[Oracle::SQLPLUS:: How to enable PC backspace key as erase key for sqlplus for unix, linux]:subcat:Oracle
[MySQL:: How to define Connection string for MYOLEDB for MySQL]:subcat:MySQL
[Oracle:: OpenVMS::Where to find info on Oracle for OpenVMS]:subcat:Oracle
[Oracle:: How to copy a database from one server to another using export and import utility]:subcat:Oracle
[Oracle:: How to copy data from one database to another using sqlplus]:subcat:Oracle
[Oracle:: How to display help for Oracle's export utility (EXP.EXE)]:subcat:Oracle
[MySQL:: How to create a new user and grant access to a DB]:subcat:MySQL
[MySQL:: What are the commonly used commands]:subcat:MySQL
[MySQL:: How to insert a new row to a database]:subcat:MySQL
[Oracle:: SQLPLUS::How to change user password from SQLPLUS or SQLPLUSW]:subcat:Oracle
[MySQL:: How to drop a database]:subcat:MySQL
[Oracle:: Linux::Where to download oracle 9i for linux]:subcat:Oracle
[Oracle:: How to connect using sqlplus client and without tnsnames.ora]:subcat:Oracle
[MySQL:: How to set or change the mysql root password]:subcat:MySQL
[MySQL:: How to enable TRACING of SQL query to a log file]:subcat:MySQL
[MySQL:: How to enable mysql error and query log]:subcat:MySQL
[MySQL:: How to assign the result of a select statement to a variable]:subcat:MySQL
[MySQL:: What are some example usage of the IF function]:subcat:MySQL
[Oracle:: What are the oracle terms and their meanings]:subcat:Oracle
[Oracle:: SQLPLUS::How to run an sql script file directly from command line using sqlplus]:subcat:Oracle
[Oracle:: How to check NLS_LANG variable and so on]:subcat:Oracle
[Oracle:: How to list structure of all tables accessible to current user]:subcat:Oracle
[Oracle:: How to list all views accessible to current user]:subcat:Oracle
[Oracle:: 9i::What are the static data dictionary views]:subcat:Oracle
[Oracle:: How to install Oracle 10g database server on Solaris 10 x86]:subcat:Oracle
[Oracle:: Where to download Oracle 11g for Solaris x86-x64]:subcat:Oracle
[Oracle:: How to get help on the Import/Export (IMP/EXP) utility]:subcat:Oracle
[MySQL:: How to resolve issue of corrupted table]:subcat:MySQL
[MySQL::Linux:: How to start mysqld server and set to automatically start upon boot up]:subcat:MySQL
[Oracle:: What are the Oracle DB server end of support dates]:subcat:Oracle
[Oracle:: What is a character set that supports all languages]:subcat:Oracle
[MySQL:: How to list users and how to delete user]:subcat:MySQL
[Oracle:: How to check what privileges are available for the current login session]:subcat:Oracle
[Oracle:: How to find instance for current user]:subcat:Oracle
[Oracle:: How to find out what tables and sequences are available]:subcat:Oracle
[Oracle:: SQLPLUS::How to check the current login user name]:subcat:Oracle
[MySQL::Command Line::How to show databases]:subcat:MySQL
[Oracle:: Scripts::What is a sample user creation script]:subcat:Oracle
[Oracle:: sqlplus::How to login as sysdba and run a script]:subcat:Oracle
[Oracle:: How to create table space from sqlplus]:subcat:Oracle
[Oracle:: Documentation::Where to obtain oracle documentation online]:subcat:Oracle
[Oracle:: SQLPLUS::How to show current parameters]:subcat:Oracle
[Oracle:: SQLPLUS::How to format the results]:subcat:Oracle
[Oracle::12c:: How to list the Pluggable DB (PDB) in the Container DB (CDB)]:subcat:Oracle
[Oracle:: Tablespaces::How to alter the datafile storage property of a tablespace]:subcat:Oracle
[Oracle:: What is the syntax of the IMP utility/command]:subcat:Oracle
[MySQL::Command Line::How to add a column to a table]:subcat:MySQL
[MySQL::Command Line::What is the syntax of the LOAD DATA command to import a file]:subcat:MySQL
[MySQL::Command Line::How to delete a column from a table]:subcat:MySQL
[Oracle:: sqlplus::How to count the number of rows in a table]:subcat:Oracle
[Oracle:: SQLPlus::How to output columns delimited by commas (,)]:subcat:Oracle
[Oracle:: SQLPLUS::How to turn off display of column headings]:subcat:Oracle
[Oracle:: OLEDB::How to install OLEDB for Oracle]:subcat:Oracle
[MySQL::4.1:: How to install MySQL 4.1 for windows 32 (win32) platform]:subcat:MySQL
[MySQL::Command Line:: How to run mysql from command line without being prompted for password using .my.cnf]:subcat:MySQL
[MySQL::Command Line:: How to run SQL statements directly from command line]:subcat:MySQL
[MySQL:: How to perform update]:subcat:MySQL
[MySQL:: How to display columns from 2 tables]:subcat:MySQL
[MariaDB:: How to current system variables in the running instance]:subcat:MariaDB
[Mysql:: How to show or set the global variables such as general log]:subcat:Mysql
[Mysql:: How to get the plain text password from .mylogin.cnf for the user]:subcat:Mysql
[MySQL:: How to enable mysql root user login without being OS superuser (sudo)]:subcat:MySQL
[PostgreSQL:: How to get started with PostreSQL]:subcat:PostgreSQL
061 : sortflags:n=true,t=false, showstring:n
061 : sortflags:n=false,t=true, showstring:t
010 : keywords=^Software::Services::RDBMS::
004 : action = browsecategory
options = ^Software::Services::RDBMS::
userlevel = 0
itempriv = 11111111
showstring =
showflags = show[c] =
show[e] =
show[d] =
show[f] =
show[n] =
show[t] =