ActivePerl User Guide

Installing ActivePerl

Welcome, and thanks for downloading ActivePerl. This release corresponds to Perl version 5.8.0.

Please note that ActivePerl 800 series builds are NOT binary-compatible with the older 600 and 500 series builds. In particular, do not attempt to use extensions or PPM packages built for the 500 and 600 series builds with ActivePerl 800 series builds and vice versa.

Binaries for the following platforms are available:

Installing ActivePerl on Linux (x86)

Linux Prerequisites

Linux Installers

RPM Package for Red Hat 6.2 or later
The Red Hat compatible package is in RPM format. This should be installed as root, using the following command:
    % rpm -i ActivePerl-

This will install ActivePerl into /usr/local/ActivePerl-5.8. If you wish to change the default install location, use the --prefix option as follows:

    % rpm -i --prefix /opt/ActivePerl-5.8 ActivePerl-

To uninstall Activeperl, run:

    % rpm -e ActivePerl

The RPM package has only been tested with Red Hat 6.2, but is expected to be compatible with other Red Hat 6.2 compatible installations as well.

DPKG Package for Debian 2.2 or later
The Debian-compatible package is in dpkg format. This should be installed as root, using the following command:
    % dpkg -i ActivePerl-

This will install ActivePerl into /usr/local/ActivePerl-5.8. The dpkg installation package has no mechanism to change the default installation location. Consider installing ActivePerl using the ActivePerl Generic Installer or the RPM package if you need this.

To uninstall ActivePerl, run:

    % dpkg -r ActivePerl

The Debian package has only been tested with Debian 2.2, but is expected to be compatible with other Debian 2.2 compatible installations as well.

Generic AS Package for Linux
The generic installer allows installation as an unprivileged user into a user-specified path. GNU tar is required for extracting the files. See ``Known Issues'' in the ActivePerl Release Notes for details.

Download the distribution to a temporary directory, extract the files, chdir to the ActivePerl directory and then run the script ``''. The installation script will prompt you for the target installation directory.

    % tar zxf ActivePerl-
    % cd ActivePerl-
    % ./

Linux Configuration

The Red Hat and Debian packages are installed into the /usr/local/ActivePerl-5.8 directory. Add the /usr/local/ActivePerl-5.8/bin directory to your PATH environment variable to conveniently access it. For example, in the C shell:

    % setenv PATH /usr/local/ActivePerl-5.8/bin:$PATH

The ActivePerl Generic installer allows you to install the package anywhere that the user has write permission. Add the bin directory to your PATH environment variable to conveniently access it. For example, in the C shell (assuming you installed into /home/larry/ActivePerl-5.8):

    % setenv PATH /home/larry/ActivePerl-5.8/bin:$PATH

Uninstalling ActivePerl on Linux

Debian Package
If you installed ActivePerl using the DPKG format installer, uninstall as follows:
    dpkg -r ActivePerl

RPM Package
If you installed ActivePerl using the RPM format installer, uninstall as follows:
    rpm -e ActivePerl

AS Package
If you installed ActivePerl using the AS format installer, remove the directory into which ActivePerl was installed. For example:
    /bin/rm -rf /usr/local/ActivePerl-5.8

Installing ActivePerl on Solaris (sparc)

Solaris Prerequisites

Solaris Installers

PKGADD Package
The Solaris package is in pkgadd format. This should be installed as root, using the following commands:
    % gunzip ActivePerl-
    % pkgadd -d ActivePerl-

pkgadd will query you for the installation location, which can be changed from the default of /usr/local/ActivePerl-5.8.

To uninstall ActivePerl, run:

    % pkgrm ASperl

This package has only been tested with Solaris 2.6, but is expected to be compatible with other Solaris 2.6 compatible installations as well, including Solaris 2.7 and Solaris 2.8.

Generic AS Package for Solaris
The Generic Installer allows installation as an unprivileged user, and into a user-specified path. GNU tar is required for extracting the files. See ``Known Issues'' in the ActivePerl Release Notes for details.

Download the distribution to a temporary directory, extract the files, chdir to the ActivePerl directory and then run the script ``''. The installation script will prompt you for the target installation directory.

    % tar zxf ActivePerl-
    % cd ActivePerl-
    % ./

Solaris Configuration

The Solaris package is installed into the /usr/local/ActivePerl-5.8 directory. Add the /usr/local/ActivePerl-5.8/bin directory to your PATH environment variable to conveniently access it. For example, in the C shell:

    % setenv PATH /usr/local/ActivePerl-5.8/bin:$PATH

The ActivePerl Generic installer allows you to install the package anywhere that the user has write permission. Add the bin directory to your PATH environment variable to conveniently access it. For example, in the C shell (assuming you installed into /home/larry/ActivePerl-5.8):

    % setenv PATH /home/larry/ActivePerl-5.8/bin:$PATH

Uninstalling ActivePerl on Solaris

PKGADD Package
If you installed ActivePerl using the PKGADD format installer, uninstall as follows:
    pkgrm -d ASperl

AS Package
If you installed ActivePerl using the AS format installer, remove the directory into which ActivePerl was installed. For example:
    /bin/rm -rf /usr/local/ActivePerl-5.8

Installing ActivePerl on Windows (x86)

Windows Prerequisites

Windows Installers

MSI Installer Package
To install the MSI package double-click on the MSI file in Windows Explorer.

Do not install over a 500 series build of ActivePerl. This package must be installed into a separate directory.

MSI Package Installation from the Command Line
You can install ActivePerl from the command line using the 'msiexec' program. For example:
    msiexec /i msi_file.msi

The ADDLOCAL command line property is used to specify which features should be installed. (If ADDLOCAL is not specified, all features are installed.) For example:

    msiexec /i msi_file.msi ADDLOCAL="PERL_FEATURE,PERLIS"

The following features may be specified with the ADDLOCAL switch:

  • PERL_FEATURE (the Perl core)

  • PPM (the Programmer's Package Manager)

  • PERLIS (the Perl for ISAPI interpreter)

  • PERLSE (the Perl ActiveX Scripting Engine)

  • EXAMPLES (some simple examples)

  • DOCUMENTATION (the ActivePerl documentation)

A set of command-line properties can be used to configure the installation. For example:

    msiexec /i msi_file.msi TARGETDIR="c:\perl" PERL_PATH="Yes"
  • TARGETDIR: Used to specify the absolute path where ActivePerl will be installed. If not specified, ActivePerl will be installed in a default location determined by the Windows Installer Service, usually the root of the drive with the most available space. If this option is used, a value is required.

  • PL_IISMAP: If this option is set to 'Yes', the installer will create a global IIS script mapping for '.pl' and Perl. By default, the installation does not create the script mapping.

  • PLX_IISMAP: If this option is set to 'Yes', the installer will create a global IIS script mapping for '.plx' and PerlIS. By default, the installation does not create the script mapping.

  • PERL_PATH: If this option is set to 'Yes', the Perl/bin directory will be added to the system PATH environment variable. By default, the directory is not added to the path.

The following command-line switches can be used:

Silent Mode
To run in silent mode, specify the '/q' command line option. The installer will run with no UI.

To log the installation process, specify the '/l' command line option and the name of the log file. For example:
    msiexec /i msi_file.msi /l log.txt

To enable verbose logging, use the '*v' modifier with the '/l' command line option. For example:

    msiexec /i msi_file.msi /l*v log.txt

AS Installer Package
The AS package is a generic installation package that can be used on systems where the MSI package is not supported. The AS package provides no uninstall functionality. To install using the AS package, double-click the the installer file and follow the prompts.

Windows Configuration

If you run Perl at the command prompt, the script will be executed by the first Perl.exe it encounters in the list of paths in the PATH environment variable. To ensure the script is executed by the Perl interpeter you want it to be executed by, you can specify the complete path to the Perl.exe you want to use. (typing perl -v at the command prompt will tell you which version of Perl is currently first in your PATH)

Installing ActivePerl will change your Path environment variable and may change registry settings, such as file associations, which may affect your Web server. If you want to use a previously installed copy of Perl, you will need to modify these settings.

Uninstalling ActivePerl on Windows

MSI Package
If you installed ActivePerl using the MSI installer, uninstall using the Windows Add / Remove Programs applet.

AS Package
If you installed ActivePerl using the AS installer, uninstall by deleting the directory in which ActivePerl was installed.