ActiveState::RelocateTree - Relocate a Perl tree, substituting paths at the same time.


ActiveState::RelocateTree - Relocate a Perl tree, substituting paths at the same time.


   use ActiveState::RelocateTree qw(relocate);
   relocate(from => 'C:\Perl', to => 'D:\lang\perl');


ActiveState::RelocateTree relocates a Perl distribution wholesale into a new distribution. It comes with the script reloc_perl, which is used to install the ActivePerl distribution into the final install location.

Perl can't just be copied into a new location without relocating some files. In Windows this is less of a problem because the executable knows its actual location and uses that to find its library tree. On Unix, the location of the libraries must be encoded within the perl binary. Most scripts also contain a ``shebang'' line of the form #!/path/to/perl, which points at the absolute path of the Perl executable.

Using ActiveState::RelocateTree

The module exports four functions you can use to relocate Perl trees. You can also use these functions to search for and replace arbitrary strings in all files in a directory tree.

The relocate() Function


This is the main entry point that applications will use. It has reasonable defaults, so in most cases you probably just call it like this:

   relocate(to => $to_path);

The following are all recognized options:

The tree which must be transformed. Unless the inplace option is true, it will copy the tree at from to to before transforming it. This option is required.

The path from which to copy the Perl tree. Defaults to $Config{prefix}, the home of the currently executing perl interpreter.

This is the path which will be searched for and replaced in to. This defaults to the value of from.

The replacement value for search. This defaults to the value of to.

If the tree at to already exists and you just want to transform it in-situ, use this option. It skips the copying step and just transforms the tree. If from equals to, it is set to true and cannot be unset. Otherwise it defaults to false.

If you're really moving the tree, this option will remove from after copying and transforming to. Use with care! Defaults to false.

While relocating the tree, relocate() creates a backup file for each file being edited. This option allows you to specify the extension of backup files. Defaults to .~1~.

Normally relocate() deletes the backup files before returning. savebaks skips that step, leaving the backup files alone. Defaults to false (backups are deleted).

Normally relocate() edits both text and binary files. Text files are replaced using a normal search-and-replace algorithm, but binary files are NULL-padded so that all offsets remain the same. By default, textonly is false, i.e. relocate() operates on both text and binary files.

If ranlib is true, relocate() will call ranlib on binary files which look like library files (have the $Config{_a} extension). Defaults to true.

If verbose is true, relocate() emits warning messages as it performs certain operations. This may be useful for debugging, or for command-line tools, where user feedback is a good thing.

Normally, relocate() prints out some status messages even with verbose disabled. If quiet is true, all messages (except error messages) are temporarily silenced. This option overrides verbose, so there isn't much point calling relocate() with both quiet and verbose set. By default, quiet is false.

If specified, relocate() will write a list of the files modified to filelist, one filename per line.

The move_tree() Function

   move_tree($from, $to, $delete_after, $verbose);

This is the function used to copy the tree from one place to another. It accepts the following parameters:

The source tree.

The destination tree.

A boolean: if true, the tree at $from will be removed.

A boolean: if true, it will print out a message when deleting the $from tree.

The check() Function

   check($file, $regexp, $is_binary);

check() checks for occurrences of $from in $file. It is used by relocate() to search for files which should be edited. It accepts the following parameters:

The file to check.

The regular expression to search for in the file.

A boolean: if true, check() uses binmode() on the filehandle before reading chunks of the file.

The edit() Function

   edit($regexp, $from, $dest, $bak, $are_binary, @files);

edit() is designed to rip though a set of files, efficiently replacing $from with $dest. It operates on the whole set of files, which all need to be of the same type (binary or text). It accepts the following parameters:

The regular expression to search for. Matching text will be replaced with $dest.

The path to search for and replace. If $are_binary is true, this is used to calculate the amount of NUL-padding required to preserve the length of strings. It is not used otherwise.

The replacement string. If $are_binary is true and $dest is shorter than $from, then it inserts a NULL-pad to preserve the original length of the strings.

The extension to use when storing backup files.

A boolean: if true, the files are edited with binary semantics: the filehandles are set to binmode, and strings are NULL-padded. Otherwise a plain-old substitution occurs.

A list of files to edit.

The spongedir() Function


The spongedir() function returns the spongedir associated with a particular product. Currently, it only knows about PPM's spongedir.

The name of the spongedir you're interested in. It's case-insensitive, so you can ask for 'PPM', 'Ppm', or 'ppm', too.

The following spongedirs are defined:

The sponge directory for PPM.

The original directory in which this copy of Perl was built. This allows relocate() to detect when a replacement path will not fit into the binary.


See also reloc_perl.


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Copyright (c) 2002, ActiveState SRL. All Rights Reserved.

 ActiveState::RelocateTree - Relocate a Perl tree, substituting paths at the same time.