Apache::TestRun - Run the test suite


Apache::TestRun - Run the test suite



The Apache::TestRun package controls the configuration and running of the test suite.


Several methods are sub-classable, if the default behavior should be changed.


The pre_configure() method is executed before the configuration for Apache::Test is generated. So if you need to adjust the setup before httpd.conf and other files are autogenerated, this is the right place to do so.

For example if you don't want to inherit a LoadModule directive for mod_apreq.so but to make sure that the local version is used, you can sub-class Apache::TestRun and override this method in t/TEST.PL:

  package My::TestRun;
  use base 'Apache::TestRun';
  use Apache::TestConfig;
  sub pre_configure {
      my $self = shift;
      # Don't load an installed mod_apreq

Notice that the extension is .c, and not .so.

 Apache::TestRun - Run the test suite