MD5 - Perl interface to the MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm


MD5 - Perl interface to the MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm


 use MD5;
 $context = new MD5;
 $digest = $context->digest();
 $string = $context->hexdigest();
 $digest = MD5->hash(SCALAR);
 $string = MD5->hexhash(SCALAR);


The MD5 module is depreciated. Use Digest::MD5 instead.

The current MD5 module is just a wrapper around the Digest::MD5 module. It is provided so that legacy code that rely on the old interface still work and get the speed benefit of the new module.

In addition to the methods provided for Digest::MD5 objects, this module provide the class methods MD5->hash() and MD5->hexhash() that basically do the same as the md5() and md5_hex() functions provided by Digest::MD5.


the Digest::MD5 manpage

 MD5 - Perl interface to the MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm