Command |
Result |
get-help |
displays the help start page in continuous page |
help |
displays the help start page pausing at every page |
get-help topic
help topic
displays help on that topic |
help *
get-help * |
lists all help topics |
set-Date |
sets system date. Examples:-
Set-Date -date "6/1/2006 8:30 AM"
Set-Date (Get-Date).AddDays(2)
Set-Date (Get-Date).AddHours(-1)
Set-Date -adjust 1:37:0
get-Date |
gets system date |
copy-Item |
Copies file. Examples:-
Copy-Item c:\scripts\test.txt c:\test
Copy-Item c:\scripts\* c:\test
Copy-Item c:\scripts\*.txt c:\test
Copy-Item c:\scripts c:\test -recurse
New-Item |
Create new file or directory
New-Item c:\scripts\Windows PowerShell -type directory
New-Item c:\scripts\new_file.txt -type file
New-Item c:\scripts\new_file.txt -type file -force
Remove-Item |
Delete file or folder. Examples:-
Remove-Item c:\scripts\test.txt
Remove-Item c:\scripts\*
Remove-Item c:\scripts\* -recurse
Remove-Item c:\scripts\* -exclude *.wav
Remove-Item c:\scripts\* -include .wav,.mp3
Remove-Item c:\scripts\* -include *.txt -exclude *test*
Get-WmiObject |
Get-WmiObject Win32_LogicalDisk | Select-Object deviceid,size,freespace
shows the logical disk id e.g. C: the size of the disk and free space on the disk
Get-WmiObject Win32_Product | Sort-Object Name | Format-Table Vendor, Name, Version
shows list of Software installed on the computer
get-eventlog |
get-eventlog application | where {$_.message.contains("error") -eq "true"}
shows events from application event log where the message contains keyword "error"
get-eventlog system | where {$_.message.contains("error") -eq "true"}
shows events from system event log where the message contains keyword "error"
get-executionpolicy |
show the current execution policy |
set-executionpolicy |
sets the execution policy
possible values are Restricted | AllSigned | RemoteSigned | Unrestricted |