Web >> Measurement >> What are the commonly used parameters for web analytics/measurement

Ad A graphic or banner which takes a visitor to another Web site when clicked. Ad Click A click on an advertisement which takes a visitor to another Web site. Ad View Occurs when an ad is displayed to a visitor. Once visitors have viewed an ad, they can click on it (see Ad Click). There may be more than one ad on an ad view. Authenticated Username A unique visitor tracked by user name and password rather than by IP address. You may find more authenticated user names than total visitors because several persons may be using the same IP address. Since many ISPs dynamically assign IP addresses, and since multiple visitors may use a single IP address, authentication is a much more accurate way to identify visitors. Authentication Technique that limits access to Internet or intranet resources to visitors who identify themselves by entering a user name and password. Bandwidth Measure of the traffic on a site. Bandwidth is expressed as the amount of data transferred in a specified unit of time. Browser A program used to locate and view Web pages. These include Netscape, Mosaic, Microsoft Internet Explorer, and others. Click Through Rate Percentage of visitors who viewed an ad and also clicked on it. This is a good indication of an ad's effectiveness. Client A computer that accesses resources provided by another computer, called a server. Client Errors An error occurring due to an invalid request by the visitor's browser. Client errors are in the 400-range. See the "Status Code" glossary entry for more information. Company Database The database installed and used by Reporting Center to look up the company name, city, state, and country corresponding to a specific domain name. Cookies Files containing information about Web site visitors. This information can include the visitor's user name, preferences, etc. The information is provided by visitors during their first visit to a Web site. The server records this information in a text file and stores it on the visitor's hard drive. At the beginning of later visits, the server looks for a cookie and configures itself based on the information provided. Destination Page A page chosen by the system administrator for Path Analysis. The Path Analysis pages track which clicks brought each visitor to the selected Destination Page. Documents A page is considered a document if the path ends in a file extension configured by the system administrator as a document (examples: .htm or .doc) or if there is no file name - that is, the path ends in a slash (example: http://www.oregonmarine.com/ads/). Typically, a page will be defined as a document if the content is static (that is, it contains no query parameters). However, the administrator has the option of configuring dynamic pages to be identified as documents if he or she chooses. Domain Name The text name corresponding to the IP address of a computer on the Internet. For example, www.webtrends.com is a domain name. Domain Name Lookup The process of converting an IP address into a text name (for example, is converted to www.webtrends.com). Dynamic Pages and Forms Dynamic pages are generated dynamically based on values selected by a visitor. They are generated with variables, and do not exist anywhere in a static, predictable form. Reporting Center considers any URL containing options (with a question mark in the URL) a dynamic page. Any file with a POST command is considered a form. Entry File The first file requested by a visitor during a visit to your Web site. Entry Page The first page viewed during a visit to your Web site. If a visit consists only of hits to non-page files, that visit has no entry page. This can cause the total number of entry pages to be less than the total number of visits. Exit Page The last page viewed during a visit to your Web site. If a visit consists only of hits to non-page files, that visit has no exit page. This can cause the total number of exit pages to be less than the total number of visits. FTP File Transfer Protocol. It is a standard method of sending files from one computer to another over the Internet. File Type Identifies types of files by their file extension. For example, a file named graphic.gif is identified as type "gif." Filters A means of narrowing the scope of a report by specifying ranges or types of data to include or exclude. Forms Scripted pages which pass variables back to the server. These pages are used to gather information from visitors. Reporting Center counts any file with an HTTP POST command as a form. GIF Graphics Interchange Format. It is a graphics file format commonly used in HTML documents. HTML Hypertext Markup Language. It is the programming language for static Web pages. It usually includes hypertext links between related objects and documents. HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It is a standard method of transferring data between a Web server and a Web browser. Hit Each file requested by a visitor registers as a hit. There can be several hits on each page. While the volume of hits reflects the amount of server traffic, it is not an accurate reflection of the number of pages viewed. Home Page The main or introductory page of a Web site. The home page provides visitors with an overview and links to the rest of the site. It often contains or links to a Table of Contents. Home Page URL The URL for the home page of the site analyzed in the report. IP Address Internet Protocol Address. It is a series of four one- to three-digit numbers separated by periods. It is used to identify a computer connected to the Internet. For example, is an IP address. JPEG Joint Photographic Expert Group. It is a compressed graphics format common on the Internet. Log File A file created by a Web or proxy server which contains information about the activity of the server. New Users Visitors who didn't have a cookie on their first visit, but had one during later visits. No Referrer Indicates visits to your Web site that did not originate from any other site. For example, any visitor who types the URL of your site directly into their browser window fits into this category. Other In tables showing a variable-length list of items, the number of items may exceed the number that can be viewed at one time. The values for the items not currently shown are added together and shown in the row named "Other." Page Any document, dynamic page, or form. Different types of profiles have different default settings for which file extensions qualify a file as a document. These settings can be changed by the Reporting Center system administrator. Any URL containing a question mark is considered a dynamic page. Any file with a POST command is considered a form. Page View A hit to any file classified as a page. Contrast the value for "page views" with the value for "hits," which includes hits to files of every type. Palm Browser A program used on a Palm device to display site content, similar to Netscape or Internet Explorer on PCs. Palm Device A portable personal computer small enough to fit in the palm of a person's hand. Reporting Center reports only include Palm devices if the log files shows the device used a Palm browser. Path Through Site The sequence of pages a visitor views, from the entry page to the exit page and all pages in between. Paths from Start The sequence of pages a visitor views, excluding the entry page. Paths to Destination The sequence of pages a visitor views before arriving at a selected Destination Page. Platform Refers to the operating system, such as Linux or Windows 98. Protocol An established method of exchanging data over the Internet. Referrer URL of a Web page that refers visitors to your site. Report Period The dates covered in the report. You may select a report period of any day, week, month, quarter, or year within the data provided by the log analysis. Returning Visitors Visitors who already had a cookie from your site before they visited. Script A simple programming language used to execute specific or limited tasks. Scripts are often used for pages on the Internet to serve dynamic content and to tailor pages for individual visitors. Server computer that hosts information available to anyone accessing the Internet or an internal intranet. Server Error An error occurring on the server. Web server errors have codes in the 500 range. Single Access Page A page on your Web site that visitors open, then exit from, without viewing any other page. To qualify, the visit must be to a page with a valid document type. If the visit is to a document with a different type (such as a graphic or sound file), the file does not count as a single access page, and the visit is not included in the total. Such visits are often the result of other sites referencing a specific downloadable file or graphic on your site. In these cases, a visit may have a single hit to a non-document type file, and will not be counted in the percentage calculations. Spider An automated program which searches the internet. Status Code The HTTP status code of a file request specifies whether the transfer was successful or not, and why. These codes are defined in RFC 2616, section 6.1.1. "Success" codes: 100 = Success: Continue 101 = Success: Switching Protocols 200 = Success: OK 201 = Success: Created 202 = Success: Accepted 203 = Success: Non-Authoritative Information 204 = Success: No Content 205 = Success: Reset Content 206 = Success: Partial Content 300 = Success: Multiple Choices 301 = Success: Moved Permanently 302 = Success: Found 303 = Success: See Other 304 = Success: Not Modified 305 = Success : Use Proxy 307 = Success : Temporary Redirect "Failed" codes: 400 = Failed: Bad Request 401 = Failed: Unauthorized 402 = Failed: Payment Required 403 = Failed: Forbidden 404 = Failed: Not Found 405 = Failed: Method Not Allowed 406 = Failed: Not Acceptable 407 = Failed: Proxy Authentication Required 408 = Failed: Request Time-out 409 = Failed: Conflict 410 = Failed: Gone 411 = Failed: Length Required 412 = Failed: Precondition Failed 413 = Failed: Request Entity Too Large 414 = Failed: Request-URI Too Large 415 = Failed: Unsupported Media Type 416 = Failed: Requested range not satisfiable 417 = Failed: Expectation Failed 500 = Failed: Internal Server Error 501 = Failed: Not Implemented 502 = Failed: Bad Gateway 503 = Failed: Service Unavailable 504 = Failed: Gateway Time-out 505 = Failed: HTTP Version Not Supported Subtotal In tables showing a variable length list of items, the number of items may exceed the number that can be viewed at one time. The values for the items currently shown are added together and shown in the row named "Subtotal." Suffix (Domain Name) See "Top-Level Domain." Time Interval A one-year report displays monthly time increments. A one-quarter report displays weekly time increments. A one-month report or a one-week report displays daily time increments. A daily report displays hourly time increments. An hour-long interval marked 12:00, for example, includes all activity between 12:00 and 12:59. Top-Level Domain The suffix of a domain name. A top-level domain can be based on the type of organization (.com, .edu, .museum, .name, etc) or it can be a country code (.uk, .de, .jp, .us, etc.). The top-level domain can be used to identify the type of web site. The following is a partial list of how this report categorizes top-level domains: ARPANET: .arpa Commercial: .com .co .com.[country code] .co.[country code] .firm.co .firm.ve .ltd.uk Education: .edu .edu.[country-code] .ed.[country code] .ac.[country code] .school.[country code] .k12.[country code] .re.kr .sch.uk .edunet.tn International: .int .int.co .int.ve .intl.tn Government: .gov .gov.[country code] .gove.[country code] .go.[country code] Military: .mil .mil.[country code] Network: .net .ad.jp .ne.kr .net.[country code] Organization: .org .or .org.[country code] .or.[country code] Total This table row gives the sum of all of the items for the current table during this report period. If the number of items for the table exceeds the number that can be viewed at one time, then a "Subtotal" row and an "Other" row will also be provided, and their sum will equal the Total row. Traffic The quantity of data transferred. URL Uniform Resource Locator. It is a means of identifying an exact location on the Internet. For example, http://www.webtrends.com/html/info/default.htm is the URL which defines the location of the page Default.htm in the /html/info/ directory on the NetIQ Corporation Web site. As the previous example shows, a URL is comprised of four parts: Protocol Type (HTTP), Machine Name (webtrends.com), Directory Path (/html/info/), and File Name (default.htm). Unique Visitors Individuals who visited your site during the report period. If someone visits more than once, they are counted only the first time they visit. User Agent Portion of a log file that identifies the browser and platform used by a visitor. Users Without Cookies Visitors who come to your site with cookies disabled. There is no way to determine if these visitors are new or returning. Visit A visit is a series of actions that begins when a visitor views their first page from the server, and ends when the visitor leaves the site or remains idle beyond the idle-time limit. The default idle-time limit is thirty minutes. This time limit can be changed by the system administrator. Visit Duration (Minutes) The number of minutes your Web site was viewed by a visitor. Visitor Minutes Total number of minutes your site was viewed by all visitors during the report period. Visits with Clicks Visits to your site where at least one ad was clicked on. WAP Browser A program used on a WAP device to display site content, similar to Netscape or Internet Explorer on PCs. WAP Carrier A server that acts as an intermediary and relays requests from visitors with WAP devices to your site. WAP Device A wireless device using Wireless Application Protocol (WAP), such as a cellular telephone or radio transceiver, that can be used to access the Internet. Reporting Center reports only include WAP devices if the log file shows the device used a WAP browser. WTLS Acronym for Wireless Transport Layer Security protocol, which is the security layer endorsed by the WAP Forum (www.wapforum.org). Its primary goal is to provide privacy, data integrity, and authentication for WAP applications