1. On server, ensure portmap, mountd, rpc.nfsd are running by
# ps aux
2. On server, edit /etc/exportfs, type dir to be allowed access
to, and host to be allowed access together with access right
on server SERVER2 '/' dir, to allow access by SERVER3
# /etc/exportfs
/ SERVER3(rw)
3. On server, force nfsd to re-read /etc/exportfs by running
'exportfs' script
# /usr/sbin/exportfs
4. On client, mount the nfs file system on desired mountpoint
# mount -rsize=1024,wsize=1024 SERVER2:/ /mnt/server2
5. On client, unmount by cd to directory other than the mountpoint, and
then running umount
# umount /mnt/server2