#!/usr/local/ActivePerl-5.6/bin/perl -w
# assumes ActivePerl 5.6 installed at above directory
use Net::SMTP;
$smtp = Net::SMTP->new('smtpserver' # smtp host
Hello => 'mydomain.com', # smtp host's domain
Timeout => 30, # connection timeout
Debug => 1, # debuggin on i.e. verbose
$smtp->mail('sender@testserver'); # sender
$smtp->to('recipient@somedomain.com'); # recipient
$smtp->data(); # start of message
$smtp->datasend("To: recipient\@somedomain.com\n"); # sender - can be fake
$smtp->datasend("Subject: Test subject\n"); # message title
$smtp->datasend("\n"); # required
$smtp->datasend("line 1\n"); # actual message start
$smtp->datasend("line 2\n");
$smtp->dataend(); # message end
$smtp->quit(); # close SMTP connection