For IIS6 on Windows 2003
If not enabled automatically by the Perl Installation wizard eg. Activeperl, then
to enable it on the cgi-bin virtual directory of the Default Web Site and assuming
Perl is at c:\perl\bin\perl.exe
1. IIS console -> Default Web Site -> cgi-bin
2. right click, properties, virtual directory, configuration
3. under application extensions, add
- executable = c:\perl\bin\perl.exe "%s" %s
- extension = .pl
- Verbs = all verbs
- tick script engine
- tick verify that file exists
- OK
4. under settings, set Execute permissions = Scripts only
- OK
5. At IIS console, navigate to Web Service Extensions
- click on "add a new web service extension"
- Extension name = Perl CGI Extension
- click Add
- Path = c:\perl\bin\perl.exe "%s" %s
- tick set extension status to Allowed
6. verify with a perl script in /cgi-bin
- not that for IIS the first line
is not necessary