Scripting >> Python >> Examples >> How to do formatted print


print is a statement in Python 2.x
print is a function in Python 3.x => must use parentheses


Use the string.format() method to format the string for printing


Example 1 : without length or type format specifier
Python 2.6 >>>print "{0} + {1} = {2}".format('1','2','3')
1 + 2 = 3
Python 2.7

>>>print "{0} + {1} = {2}".format('1','2','3')
1 + 2 = 3


>>>print "{} + {} = {}".format('1','2','3')
1 + 2 = 3

Python 3.6

>>> print("{0} + {1} = {2}".format('1','2','3'))
1 + 2 = 3


>>> print("{} + {} = {}".format('1','2','3'))
1 + 2 = 3


Version Example 2: with padding, length and type format specifier
Python 2.6 >>>print "{0:02d} + {1:02d} = {2:02d}".format(1,2,3)
01 + 02 = 03
Python 2.7

>>>print "{0:02d} + {1:02d} = {2:02d}".format(1,2,3)
01 + 02 = 03


>>>print "{:02d} + {:02d} = {:02d}".format(1,2,3)
01 + 02 = 03

Python 3.6

Note: print was a statement in 2.x, but it's a function in 3.x

>>>print("{:02d} + {:02d} = {:02d}".format(1,2,3))
01 + 02 = 03


>>>print("{0:02d} + {1:02d} = {2:02d}".format(1,2,3))
01 + 02 = 03


Version Example 3: Using keyword (named) arguments
Python 2.6 >>> print("{name} lives in {address}".format(name="Joe",address="California"))
Joe lives in California
Python 2.7
Python 3.6



Version Example 4: using formatted string literals (f or F prefix) - a.k.a f-strings
> Python 3.6

>>> name="Joe"
>>> address="Main Street"
>>> print(f"{name} lives in {address}")
Joe lives in Main Street
>>> print(F"{name} lives in {address}")
Joe lives in Main Street



Version Example 5: using formatted string literals with expressions within placeholder(s)
> Python 3.6 >>> a,b=3,4
>>> print(f"{a} to the power of {b} = {a**b}")
3 to the power of 4 = 81



Number format specifiers

Type Meaning
d Decimal integer
c Corresponding Unicode character
b Binary format
o Octal format
x Hexadecimal format (lower case)
X Hexadecimal format (upper case)
n Same as 'd'. Except it uses current locale setting for number separator
e Exponential notation. (lowercase e)
E Exponential notation (uppercase E)
f Displays fixed point number (Default: 6)
F Same as 'f'. Except displays 'inf' as 'INF' and 'nan' as 'NAN'
g General format. Rounds number to p significant digits. (Default precision: 6)
G Same as 'g'. Except switches to 'E' if the number is large.
% Percentage. Multiples by 100 and puts % at the end.



# default arguments
>>> print("Hello {}, your balance is {}.".format("Adam", 230.2346))
Hello Adam, your balance is 230.2346.

# positional arguments
>>> print("Hello {0}, your balance is {1}.".format("Adam", 230.2346))
Hello Adam, your balance is 230.2346.

# keyword arguments

>>> print("Hello {name}, your balance is {blc}.".format(name="Adam", blc=230.2346))
Hello Adam, your balance is 230.2346.

# mixed arguments

>>> print("Hello {0}, your balance is {blc}.".format("Adam", blc=230.2346))
Hello Adam, your balance is 230.2346.

# integer arguments
>>> print("The number is:{:d}".format(123))
The number is:123

# float arguments
>>> print("The float number is:{:f}".format(123.4567898))
The float number is:123.456790

# octal, binary and hexadecimal format
>>> print("bin: {0:b}, oct: {0:o}, hex: {0:x}".format(12))
bin: 1100, oct: 14, hex: c

# integer numbers with minimum width
>>> print("{:5d}".format(12))

# padding for float numbers
>>> print("{:8.3f}".format(12.2346))

# integer numbers with minimum width filled with zeros
>>> print("{:05d}".format(12))

# padding for float numbers filled with zeros
>>> print("{:08.3f}".format(12.2346))

# signed number, show the + sign
>>> print("{:+f} {:+f}".format(12.23, -12.23))
+12.230000 -12.230000

# signed number, show the - sign only
>>> print("{:-f} {:-f}".format(12.23, -12.23))
12.230000 -12.23000

# signed number, show space for + sign
>>> print("{: f} {: f}".format(12.23, -12.23))
 12.230000 -12.230000

# integer numbers with right alignment
>>> print("{:5d}".format(12))

# float numbers with center alignment
>>> print("{:^10.3f}".format(12.2346))

# integer left alignment filled with zeros
>>> print("{:<05d}".format(12))

# float numbers with center alignment
>>> print("{:=8.3f}".format(-12.2346))
- 12.235