1. CPU load in percent
> wmic cpu get Percentage
2. Memory
> wmic memphysical get maxCapacity
3. Disk Free space
> wmic volume get FreeSpace [windows 2003 or later]
> wmic LogicalDisk get FreeSpace [windows XP or later]
4. Drive letters
> wmic LogicalDisk LIST INSTANCE
5. Network Adapters Name
> wmic nic get Name
6. OS
> wmic os /? [get help]
> wmic os get version [ show version ]
> wmic os get CSDVersion [ show service pack level ]
> wmic os get LastBootupTime
> wmic os get Caption [ show full OS name ]
> wmic bios get serialnumber [get the PC serial number]
8. ComputerSystem
> wmic computersystem get model [get the computer system model e.g. laptop model]