Software >> OS >> Mobile >> Android >> Development >> How to build a simple hello world app


  • The Android Development Toolkit (ADT) bundle has been installed
  • The target Android API (e.g. API 18 - Android Jelly Bean) have been downloaded and installed via the Android SDK Manager plugin in the Eclipse IDE.
  • The Android Virtual Device for the target Android API version have been setup.

Step 1 - Pull down File menu, select New

Step 1 - Pull down File menu, select New.


Step 2 - Select Projects.


Step 3 - Expand "Android" and select "Android Application Project".


Step 4 - Enter "Application Name", Project Name and Package Name will be auto-populated.


Step 5 - Click Next.


Step 6 - Click Next.


Step 7 - Click Next.


Step 8 - Select "Empty Activity", click Next.


Step 9 - Click Finish.


Step 10 - In the project explorer and navigate to src -> com.example.app01.  Double click on  Note the content view is set to Resource layout named main.


Step 11 -  Navigate to res -> layout -> main.xml.  Note  textview defined having text value taken from the string named hello_world in the strings file


Step 12 - Navigate to the strings file (strings.xml) and observe the value of the string to be displayed.


Step 13 - To launch the app in the Android Virtual Device, select the project (app01) -> Run As -> Android Application.

Step 14 -  Observe the Hello World string displayed in the app.