Software >> Services >> Virtualization >> VirtualBox >> How to install virtual box guest additions on Solaris x86

## Insert the VirtualBox Guest Additions CD Image

## Check if cdrom is mounted

Note: The "Connected Device" shows what CD was inserted into the drive

## If the CDROM was not shown as mounted i.e. no mountpoint was listed like above, mount manually

mount -r -t hsfs /dev/dsk/c2t0d0p0 /cdrom

## Once CDROM is mounted

once cdrom is mounted, go to









For Solaris 11 if the above does not work, perform manual install using the legacy pkgadd (not pkg)

e.g. Guest Additions cd mounted in /media/VBOXADDITIONS_6.1.10_138449

cd /media/VBOXADDITIONS_6.1.10_138449

pkgadd -d /media/VBOXADDITIONS_6.1.10_138449/VBoxSolarisAdditions.pkg SUNWvboxguest

## To uninstall (e.g. for reinstallation

pkgrm SUNWvboxguest