Software >> Services >> Backup >> Netbackup >> How to list backup policies in a Unix master server and obtain policy details for each

Software::Services::Backup::Netbackup:: Where to find opensource or free VTL. - See more at:

cd /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd

to get a list:-

# ./bppllist

to get details for each

# for p in `./bppllist`;do ./bppllist $p;done;

to capture output to a file

# for p in `./bppllist`;do ./bppllist $p >> /tmp/output.txt ;done;


for each policy there is an info file


the 'info' file is in clear text and has details of the policy

those with ACTIVE 0 => activated

those with ACTIVE 1 => de-activated