Software >> Services >> Backup >> Netbackup >> Commands >> bpimmedia >> What are the fields in the short (-l) and long (-L) format of the images on media report

short format (bpimmedia -l ...)

Field 1 = Client. The name of the image's client.

Field 2 = Version. The NetBackup version of the client.

Field 3 = Image keyword. The keyword for the backup image.

Field 4 = Policy name. The name of the policy that created the image.

Field 5 = Policy type. 0=Standard, 4=Oracle, 8=Sybase, 9=MS-SharePoint

Field 6 = Schedule - Schedule name that is run to create the backup.

Field 7 = Schedule type. 0=Full, 1=Differential incremental, 2=User-directed backup, 3=User-directed archive, 4=Cumulative incremental

Field 8 = Retention level (0-24).

Field 9 = Number of files in the image.

Field 10 = Expiration time of the image in seconds since January 1, 1970. A value of zero (0) denotes an image in progress or failed.

0 = 1 week, 4mm cartridge media

1 = 2 weeks, 8mm cartridge media

2 = 3 weeks, 8mm2 cartridge media

3 = 1 month, 8mm3 cartridge media

4 = 2 months, dlt cartridge media

5 = 3 months, dlt2 cartridge media

6 = 6 months, dlt3 cartridge media

7 = 9 months, dtf cartridge media

8 = 1 year, half-inch cartridge media

9-24 = infinite, half-inch cartridge 2 media

Field 11 = Compression. 0=Use compression, 1=Do not use compression

Field 12 = Encryption.

Field 13 = Hold. 0=Image is not on hold, 1=Image is on hold

Field 14 = Indexing status


Field 1 = Copy number

Field 2 = Fragment number

Field 3 = Fragment size in KBytes

Field 7 = File number

Field 8 = Media. The media where the image is stored.

Field 9 = The media server for the image.

Field 10 = Block size in KBytes

Field 11 = Offset

Field 12 = The time (in seconds since January 1, 1970) when the fragment was created

Field 13 = The device number where the image was written

Field 16 = Expiration time of the image in seconds since January 1, 1970. A value of zero (0) denotes an image in progress or failed.

Field 17 = Multiplexing. 0=multiplexing not used, 1=multiplexing used

Field 18 = Retention level.

0 = 1 week, 4mm cartridge media

1 = 2 weeks, 8mm cartridge media

2 = 3 weeks, 8mm2 cartridge media

3 = 1 month, 8mm3 cartridge media

4 = 2 months, dlt cartridge media

5 = 3 months, dlt2 cartridge media

6 = 6 months, dlt3 cartridge media

7 = 9 months, dtf cartridge media

8 = 1 year, half-inch cartridge media

9-24 = infinite, half-inch cartridge 2 media

Field 20 = Hold. 0=Fragment not on hold, 1=Fragment on hold

Example of the short display format:


# bpimmedia -l -policy regr1_gava -t FULL
IMAGE gava 3 gava_0949949902 regr1_gava 0 full 0 3 25 952628302 0 0
FRAG 1 1 10256 512 2 13 13 A00002 plim 65536 0 949616279 0 0 *NULL* 952628302 1

Long format (bpimmedia -L .. )

Fields and meanings for the -L format are as follows:

Line 1

Backup-ID - Unique identifier for the backup that produced this image

Policy - Policy name (may be truncated if long)

Type - Schedule type (FULL, etc.)

RL - Retention level (0..24)

Files - Number of files in the backup

C - Compression (Y or N)

E - Encryption (Y or N)

T - Image type

R - Regular (scheduled or user-directed backup)

P - Pre-imported backup (phase 1 completed)

I - Imported backup

PC - Primary copy, 1 or 2. Designates which copy of the backup NetBackup chooses when it restores.

Expires - The expiration date of the first copy to expire, which appears in the Expires field of the fragment, which is described later.

Line 2_n+1

Copy - Copy number of this fragment

Frag - Fragment number or IDX for a true-image-restore (TIR) fragment

KB - Size of the fragment, in kilobytes. This value does not include the size of tape headers between backups. A fragment size of 0 is possible for a multiplexed backup.

Type - Media type (Rmed - removable media; Disk otherwise)Density - Density of the removable media that produced the backupFnum - File number; the n-th backup on this removable media Host - Server whose catalog contains this imageDWO - Device Written On; device where the backup was written. The DWO matches the drive index as configured in Media Manager (applies only to removable media).

MPX - Flag that indicates whether this copy is multiplexed: Y or N (applies only when fragment number is 1)

Expires - The expiration date of this copy (applies only when fragment number is 1)

MediaID - Media ID or absolute path where the image is stored

Example of Long display format:

bpimmedia -L -policy regr1_gava -t FULL

