[Storage Exec Command Line Utility]
Command Syntax:
SEBlock [\server] /LIST
SEBlock [\server] /SHOW
SEBlock [\server] /A /O "object" /P "policy"
SEBlock [\server] /DA[Y]
SEBlock [\server] /D[Y] /O "object"
SEBlock [\server] /S
/SHOW Show all objects
/LIST List all file blocking policies
/A Add
/D[A][Y] Delete[ALL][No Confirmation]
/P Policy Name
/O Object Name
/S Notify driver to scan objects
SEBlock /a /o C:\Users /p "Monitor Office Files"
- Adds the object c:\Users from the "Monitor Office Files" policy
SEBlock \NTDEV /d /o C:\test
- Deletes the object c:\test on machine \NTDEV
When using this command against a Network Appliance Filer, specify the
Filer name before the first option and specify the path to the folder
(in the format volume01\folder) using the /O option. For example:
SEBlock \scnetapp /a /o vol0\test\test0 /p "Stop graphic files"
This command creates a file blocking managed resource on folder vol0\test\test0
on a Network Appliance Filer named "scnetapp" in Storage Exec using the
"Stop graphic files" managed resource policy.