Services >> Cloud >> AWS >> Service >> Compute >> EC2 >> How to connect to your EC2 instance using SSH with puttyFor example, after spinning a new EC2 instance with Amazon Linux Image (AMI) Upon "Launch" of your instance, at the "Select an existing key pair or create a new key pair" window. If you have not created a keypair before, select "Create a new key pair", give it a keypair name Click "Download Key Pair" The file will be downloaded as "your-keypair-name".pem Save to your computer. run puttygen load the above .pem file and then save the private key as a .ppk format After launching your instance, at the "Description" tab of your instance, locate the IPv4 public IP connect with putty as putty -ssh -i path-to-your-private-key.ppk ec2-user@your-instance-publicip