Software >> OS >> Unix >> Solaris >> How to obtain cpu info with kstat

kstat -m cpu_info

sample output


bash-3.2# kstat -m cpu_info
module: cpu_info                        instance: 0
name:   cpu_info0                       class:    misc
        brand                           Intel(r) Core(tm) i3-5005U CPU @ 2.00GHz
        cache_id                        0
        chip_id                         0
        clock_MHz                       2000
        clog_id                         0
        core_id                         0
        cpu_type                        i386
        crtime                          25.436224822
        current_clock_Hz                1993832894
        current_cstate                  0
        family                          6
        fpu_type                        i387 compatible
        implementation                  x86 (chipid 0x0 GenuineIntel family 6 model 61 step 4 clock 2000 MHz)
        model                           61
        ncore_per_chip                  1
        ncpu_per_chip                   1
        pg_id                           -1
        pkg_core_id                     0
        snaptime                        462.865856809
        state                           on-line
        state_begin                     1504595037
        stepping                        4
        supported_frequencies_Hz        1993832894
        supported_max_cstates           1
        vendor_id                       GenuineIntel