w2k12ad.myexample.com. 3600 IN A
w2k12ad.myexample.com. 3600 IN A
w2k12ad.myexample.com. 3600 IN A
## join to the AD domain
## when prompted enter login with domain account iwth permission to join e.g. domain admin
realm join myexample.com
## NOTE: to disable automatic mapping of uid/gid from windows ad SID , join as follows instead
## in this case for each user we have to create the following attributes in AD
## POSIX attributes (uidNumber, gidNumber, unixHomeDirectory, and loginShell
## On the linux server, create the gid for the user's primary group
groupadd -g 1050 sysadmin
## On AD, create the group sysadmin, create user arba
Active Directory Users and Computers => Users => New => Group
Group name: sysadmin
Active Directory Users and Computers => Users => New => User
First name: Abc Def
Last name: Ghi
Full name: Abc Def Ghi
User logon name : arba
=> Next
Password: **************
Confirm password: ***************
[] User must change password at next logon
[/] Password never expires
=> Next
=> Finish
Active Directory Users and Computers => Users => [new user] => Properties => Member Of => Add
object name: sysadmin
=> OK
select group "sysadmin"
=> Click "Set Primary Group"
=> OK
## Create the POSIX attributes for user to avoid automatic mapping of SID to uid/gid which is cumbersome.
## enable Advanced features in the view menu of the Active Directory Users and Computers console
Active Directory Users and Computers => View => Advanced Features
Active Directory Users and Computers => Users => [new user] => Properties => Attribute Editor
=> set the values for the following attributes
uidNumber: 1062
gidNumber: 1050
unixHomeDirectory: /home/arba # optional, if not set in the sssd.conf, then set in AD
loginShell: /bin/bash # optional, if not set in the sssd.conf, then set in AD
[root@rhel8 home]# ssh myexample.com\arba@localhost
myexample.com\arba@localhost's password:
Activate the web console with: systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket
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Last login: Sat Nov 6 20:55:08 2021 from
[arba@myexample.com@rhel8 ~]$ pwd