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Q.504plainSoftware::OS::Unix:: How to set the backspace key for current terminal.
Q.557plainSoftware::OS::Unix:: How to set the terminal column width to 132.
Q.478plainSoftware::OS::Unix:: How to use tar to backup with exclusion.
Q.1859richtextSoftware::OS::Unix:: How to use who command to check the system boot date time.
Q.1108richtextSoftware::OS::Unix:: What are the Unix signals.
Q.966richtextSoftware::OS::Unix:: What are the fields in /etc/shadow.
Q.1023richtextSoftware::OS::Unix:: What are the fields in /etc/syslog.conf and what is the file format.
Q.874richtextSoftware::OS::Unix:: What are the init run levels.
Q.997richtextSoftware::OS::Unix:: What are the special permissions setuid, setgid and sticky bit.
Q.1474richtextSoftware::OS::Unix:: What is acct or pacct file and how to view them.
Q.1001richtextSoftware::OS::Unix:: What is the difference between 'su' and 'su -'.
Q.474plainSoftware::OS::Unix:: Where is the anonymous FTP default login directory.
Q.55richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Commands::date:: How to use - date.
Q.842richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Commands::find:: How to find files by user.
Q.1480richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Commands::grep:: How to search for backslash character.
Q.56richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Commands::grep:: How to use - grep.
Q.57richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Commands::ifconfig:: How to use - ifconfig.
Q.58richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Commands::netstat:: How to use - netstat.
Q.59richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Commands::unset:: How to use - unset.
Q.1756richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Desktop::Gnome:: How to customize your Gnome Desktop and Gnome applications such as gnome-terminal.
Q.1805richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Filesystem:: How to use ls to display the inode number of files.
Q.48richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::How to change or display the current terminal keyboard setting.
Q.18plainSoftware::OS::Unix::How to configure man path (MANPATH) for new applications.
Q.62richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::How to create a soft link.
Q.22plainSoftware::OS::Unix::How to determine the default shell.
Q.50richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::How to find files by name.
Q.42richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::How to list valid signals.
Q.51richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::How to use CDROM on unix/linux.
Q.550plainSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: How to add another disk to the system.
Q.1193richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: How to add new secondary group to a user.
Q.1527richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: How to add user specific aliases for users with bash shell.
Q.553plainSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: How to allow boot messages to be viewed via serial port.
Q.2012richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: How to boot to memtest86 to perform memory diagnostics on your computer.
Q.1049richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: How to change from console (text) login to desktop (graphical) login and vice versa.
Q.942richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: How to change linux kernel parameters and activate the changes.
Q.476plainSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: How to change the host's IP address.
Q.497richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: How to check which process is using a TCP or UDP port.
Q.477plainSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: How to configure auto start for services.
Q.1040richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: How to configure default gateway and DNS servers for static IP.
Q.549plainSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: How to configure static or dynamic IP.
Q.479plainSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: How to control magnetic tape drives from command line (using mt).
Q.324plainSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: How to create boot floppy disk from gzipped image.
Q.1522richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: How to display ANSI Color Code table in bash shell.
Q.1496richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: How to display processes in a tree view like solaris's ptree.
Q.472plainSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: How to enable FTP.
Q.128plainSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: How to enable or disable certain users from accessing the FTP server.
Q.1050richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: How to enable root to login to the desktop with Gnome Desktop Manager (GDM).
Q.473plainSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: How to ftp from midnight commander (mc).
Q.1163richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: How to list the open files owned by a process.
Q.1599richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: How to make files immutable (unchangeable) in Linux.
Q.552plainSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: How to mount a newly formatted disk.
Q.939richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: How to resolve "Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server Xlib: No protocol specified" issue.
Q.1508richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: How to set files to be immutable using chattr command.
Q.480plainSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: How to set up console (terminal) access on COM1 or COM2 serial port on a PC hardware.
Q.964richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: How to stop / start a service.
Q.498plainSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: How to switch from text mode to x windows and vice versa.
Q.551plainSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: How to use file names containing spaces.
Q.1717richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: How to use for loop to uninstall rpm packages given the dir listing of a list of rpm files.
Q.2054richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: How to use gdisk to extend the last usable sector of a GPT formatted disk after cloning to a bigger disk.
Q.92richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: How to use insmod to install a loadable kernel module.